Monday, July 27, 2009

For Today...

Outside my a sunny, gorgeous day. Just a hint of a breeze and only 83.

I am thinking... my hubby needs to let the doctor know how much the anesthetic did him in for the day! He had endoscopy - and I've never seen him so confused and dizzy and unable to wake up as he's been all day today. Not good.

I am thankful for... a nice time with my parents who stayed here for a few days before heading to my brother's and then on to Lake City, Michigan to see friends.

From the kitchen...nothing!! We did fast food. It's not a good choice - but it certainly was a convenient one given the day.

I am wearing... black pants and multi-colored floral t-shirt.

I am reading... Leviticus, Psalms, and John and "The Missing Manual" for Excel, and "The Missing Manual" for Word - the plot in both these last two book are just SO intriguing! (lol)

I am hoping... that my children grow up, face their responsibilities, do what needs to be done - and most of all - restore or start the right kind of relationship with their Creator.

I am creating... nothing crafty...working on creating a more organized office space. I need to reduce paper!

I am praying...for my children. For my friend's mother-in-law who is dealing with anger issues that may be caused by a physical problem. She's scaring people. I'm praying for my cousin who starts chemo this week - again. I'm praying for myself - I need to get this weight off, no more excuses.

Around the house... a bit of a respite from a summer-ful of company! Now it's time to think about how we can replace a few fairly big-ticket items - like a toilet, a furnace, carpet. The toilet is an actual need now kinda thing, the furnace is an "I sure hope it lasts the winter" kinda thing, and the carpet is probably truly a want rather than a need.

One of my favorite things...not cooking! I know, I know....give me a break - I DON'T like cooking!! Or the mess!!

A few plans for the rest of the week. DD has a drivers ed. class tomorrow, and I have the third appointment at the dentist in the continuing saga of the tooth that went bad 2 months after a check-up, once pulled went dry-socket, and now a month later - there's part of that tooth still there and it just broke through my gum. Nice.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...

This isn't a new picture, it's several years old...but I still love the blues of the sky, and the various depths of the Gulf of Mexico along the coast. That's my dd in the front - her first visit to the Gulf.

See other Daybooks at


John and Lisa said...

Your tooth "saga" does not sound like fun! ugh! I hope that the discomfort and hassle are ending soon.

Jerralea said...

I need to reduce paper, too. It's a constant battle ...

My prayer for my kids is similar to yours - the most important thing is that they have a right relationship with God.

So, did you celebrate being reminded of Texas Sheet Cake? ;)