It's 7:30 pm out, still light enough to take my garden walk! It was so nice today...even now, though a bit windy, it's very comfortable.
I noticed that a lot's happened in the last few days. Bits of yellows and greens all over! I even see a little purple and pink....yes!
This is my neighbors forsythia bush - and it's not in the best condition...but every year it produces some little yellow blooms. I wish he'd do something with it to help it out. I'm not sure what it needs, but it just doesn't fill in very well. It's lanky and sparse.
Well, I thought I'd find a few more regular hyacinth blooming out there - but no such luck. This seems to be the only survivor. Time to plant some new ones this fall! It looks blue in the picture, but it's actually violet.
Here's my one lone daffodil! She bloomed pretty as a picture. But, it sure looks lonely. This year....we've got to plant more this year!
I don't remember the Spirea starting to bloom this early in the past, but maybe I just wasn't paying attention. I love the pinkish red baby leaves.
Our dwarf crabapple is beginning to be covered in little shoots of green. It's hard to believe that in less than two months it will have greened up, and bloomed already!
And then there's the Lamb's Ears. Go figure. We never planted them here. They have moved themselves here through some sort of mystery trip to right next to the downspout in the front garden. We had a huge amount of them taking over a large portion of the back garden several years ago, and we got tired of them taking over, and then looking shabby come we dug them up, gave some away, and threw a lot out. We never transplanted anything from the back to the front. tell me! How'd they get there? Weird.
Well, that's my tour of the garden for this week. Every day it seems something new occurs. I love this time of year. Happy Gardening!
Lots of things starting to bloom in your garden. Looks like you will have a lot of color very soon!
When I see a plant where I know I didn't plant it........Blame the Birds!
You even have some real blooms! I just love going out in the morning and again at evening and seeing new things coming up. Great post! Jean
Looks like exciting things are beginning to happen in your yard. I like your hyacinth and need to plant some of them this fall. They are so pretty and smell so good too.
I have a lot of lambs ear taking over my perennial bed and need to get rid of it before it blooms and then is covered with bees.
Thanks for your well wishes. I'm sorry to hear you have suffered with back problems. Not fun, is it?
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