Friday, March 27, 2009

Needing Inspiration


Well, it's time to begin...I really need to start! But I'm without a plan, an idea, an inspiration. I want to scrapbook some pictures and projects that my dd has done over the years to show off at graduation. But I don't know where to start. I've got the pics out and some projects what?

If any of you have any great ideas - I'm listening! Below are just SOME of the pics I'm looking to scrap.

DD studying in the 3-season room while Petey takes advantage of snuggling time.

DD doing a grid work math assignment/art assignment on the driveway. (Note to homeschool moms - this was a great assignment...besides teaching how to use grid, and getting an art lesson in, it was well-liked by the student!!)

Nicaragua Mission trip

Studying American History - a favorite...NOT.

Christmas Break sleep over with DD's best friend

Home Economics
Wilton Cake Decorating Class

Dayton Art Institute
Basic Drawing Class

There are so many other pics - I'd never be able to show them all - and what I really want to accomplish here, is getting some if you have any, send away!!

Have a wonderful day today. It's finally gotten sunny, and while not real warm, it's in the 50's. A nice Spring day.

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