Monday, April 13, 2009

For Today...

Outside my's raining. A nice gentle, water the flowers-kind of rain. It's not particularly warm...but a nice day to stay inside and get stuff done.

I am's Spring break - I should enjoy the week...but I have stuff to do....I should do that. Which will win?

From the learning rooms... Spring Break!

I am thankful for... a wonderful Easter celebration. I am thankful He chose to do God's will and pay the penalty for my sin, and provide a means to be reconciled to His Father! I'm thankful He rose again and waits for me in heaven.

From the kitchen... I need to go through the fridge and pantry and make a shopping list. Tonight's shopping night.

I am wearing... black pants and a yellow flowered T-shirt.

I am reading... Exodus, Psalms, and starting Luke.

I am hoping...that the repairs needed on our car are inexpensive...VERY inexpensive.

I am creating...lists. Lots of lists, to do lists, menu lists, accomplishments lists, invitation lists....

I am hearing... John and Kate plus 8 on TV.

Around the house...laundry needs to get started, dishes need to get done, the fridge needs cleaning.

One of my favorite things...a cup of tea or diet hot cocoa, and my computer.

A few plans for the rest of the week... Out to lunch with my best friend to work on menu plans for graduation - she's good at determining "how much". Besides, we need a best friend lunch!

A photo to share...
My hubby's's part of my blog. He's the best!!

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Best friend lunches are the best! Just found your blog... I'm new to the world of gardening blogs. I look forward to coming back.