Monday, May 18, 2009

The Simple Woman's Daybook

For Today...

Outside my window... pretty sunshine and lots of color.

I am thinking... only 12 more days until Graduation party!

From the learning rooms... we're pretty much through. After graduation we are really going to press dd to get her temps and take drivers education, get a job, and maybe in the fall take one or 2 courses at the local community college, or adult education program.

I am thankful for... my husband - the one grounded, unswaying, devoted to obeying God's word that I have in my life. I find that is a precious gift in a sea of children, and people around me that think obeying God's word is optional, for us old people...etc.,

From the kitchen... I'm thinking something simple - like Fourman grilled hamburgers, veggies, and sweet potato.

I am wearing... black pants and hot pink t-shirt

I am reading... My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers

I am hoping... to finish the major cleaning in the house

I am creating... and finishing (!!!!) my dd's homeschool/graduation scrapbook - yea!!

I am son - who has chosen to move out and share expenses on a house with an old girlfriend. "No romantic interest, mom, just sharing expenses." What comes to mind? "Avoid the appearance of evil."

Around the house... cleaning, decorating, simplifying as best I can.

One of my favorite things... going out to lunch with my dd - we can sure get the giggles.

A few plans for the rest of the week...Physical Therapy for dd - twice this week, a trip to the Z-Coil place to have my shoes adjusted, a possible trip to Hobby Lobby for supplies, a trip to the vet (again) for the dog.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...

My white picket fence, with some lily plants coming up at the base, and my basket of annuals and windchime hanging from a shepherd's hook. I so enjoy this time of year!

1 comment:

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Your mosaic is so pretty Con. Sounds like you are busy! Don't ever try to figure these kids out...I give up! We couldn't even think up some of this stuff!!
Enjoy the end of schooling!!!!!