Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Today is a beautiful day... I've been watching the contractor put up our new shed!! Yippee!! Organization is coming to our house! But while that's been happening - I've really noticed how much the garden is just exploding. It seems something new starts blooming every day. The Pulmonaria look so pretty right now....that won't last, but when it first blooms it looks wonderful.

This one lone orange-yellow tulip bloomed. I don't know where we got it from, or how long it's been in the garden - but it faithfully comes up every year.

My favorite, fairly new addition to the garden..is this raised bed, and especially the fountain. DH got it set up and it bubbles away every day. I love sitting in the 3-season room listening to it.

It's not real loud, in fact, if the wind chimes are blowing and ringing - then you won't hear the fountain. But when you do, it's very soothing.

I have got to get some new batteries for my camera - 'cause there are lots more pictures to be taken. We're getting a handle on the weeds a little at a time. We're trying Preen in the garden beds this year to see if that helps cut down on the fantastic numbers of weeds we get. They about overshadow the plants!!

Have a beautiful, garden bloom-filled day!


Jean said...

Connie, I never knew the name of pulmanaria. I don't have any but I've seen it all over. The fountain is beautiful. Love the sound of water. Happy Bloomin; Tuesday! Jean

Unknown said...

You are starting to get some color around there! Love the raised bed with the fountain.