Monday, March 30, 2009

The Simple Woman's Daybook

For Today...

Outside my's a beautiful, sunshiny day...though a tad cooler than I like. But inside the house, the sunshine feels warm and inviting.

I am thinking... it will be wonderful when the antibiotic kicks in and I feel better!

From the learning rooms...We're honing in on the last few weeks of school before graduation. American Government is down to the final two chapters, we're doing quite a bit of general review in English, and hoping to cover at least one more piece of literature before the end of school.

I am thankful for... Urgent Care - opened on Sunday! I was able to get medicine quick, and hopefully be on the mend from a sinus infection and bronchitis. (The rewards of Springtime and tree pollen.)

From the kitchen... had a Canadian Bacon, Egg beater sandwhich for breakfast this morning, simple, but filling.

I am wearing...comfort clothing - my nightgown and bathrobe. Hey, I'm sick!

I am reading...Exodus, Psalms, and Matthew

I am hoping... that my son gets the part-time job he's wanting (he's anxious to move out), and that my daughter finds a part-time job, soon.

I am creating... nothing at the moment. Still thinking about a homeschool scrapbook.

I am hearing... My daughter working on her chores. It's nice when they just automatically get up and do what they're supposed to do!

Around the house... not much today. Giving heed to doctors wisdom and taking it easy, today. I'll fix dinner, and do a load of towels...and maybe some dishes.

One of my favorite things... a nice hot shower followed by plenty of moisturizer.

A few plans for the rest of the week... DD has her Senior Photos taken tomorrow, hair done before that. I volunteer at the church on Friday - provided this sinus infection and bronchitis is gone.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...
Here's a flashback to the past! My cousin and I dressed up in church clothes, and matching spring jackets. Got an idea how long ago this was?


Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

So where was that picture taken? Your basement? It looks like stairs behind us and it obviously is your place cuz of the pics on the table. I wish we had those little coats. We look kindergarten age, I think.
And why did everyone say I was fat?

Connie said...

Actually, I think that's a window behind us, and I can't figure out where in the house it's taken. You're right, it must be our house...but I do not even recognize the table off to the side!
Who's everybody??
Yeah, I wish we still had those coats. They looked so warm and cozy.

Happy@Home said...

Hi Connie,
Sorry to hear you've been under the weather and do hope that things are getting better now. I think the picture is adorable and in reading your comments I see that the other girl is Ceekay!! How cute. My guess at the date would be late 50s to early 60s??