Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Happy Bloomin' Tuesday to you!

Welcome to the garden inside my white picket fence! The windchimes have the nicest, deep, soft ring to them.

I love pansies. They are such a happy flower. I have four pots of flowers, and all four include yellow and purple pansies.

This rose, (dh threw the tag away - so the name of it is unavailable) is a single petal rose. It's really simple and smells wonderful. However, some little critter is eating the leaves...I don't think it's aphids cause I don't see them and we have an aphid ring on all our roses.
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I took this picture from the back side of the raised bed. The Princess Diana clematis is growing leaps and bounds, and soon some of the other perennials around it will start blooming.

These pretty irises are blooming better this year than they have in many years! What's the difference? I haven't got a clue! They're a nice contrast to the Hardy Geranium next to them. Our hydrangea will be blooming in a few days, as well.

Aren't they pretty? I love the brown falls. These irises were original to the garden - meaning they were here when we got here...23 years ago!

The snapdragons are new for us this year. We've never planted them - but the colors were beautiful, and they just looked so jaunty and lively, we decided to give them a try. So far, so good!

Well, that's a wrap for this week's walk through white picket fence. Have a good week.


Jean said...

Connie, Sorry, I must have missed you on Tues. Did you sign up on Mr Linky? For some reason it's not on the post today. Love all your garden pics especially the yellow iris. Jean

kesslerdee said...

I missed you too- but enjoyed you today. Great pictures- I love the pansies!