Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Bloomin' Tuesday!

The garden is in full swing right now! Things are looking good, though we have 2 cone flowers trying to die on us. Sure wish I understood why! We are also having an awful time with Japanese beetles - and many, many, many have now passed on, and I'm not the least bit sorry.

The lilies are doing wonderfully, this year. I can't remember them ever looking this well. The top 2 are my favorites.

Most of our coneflowers look great like the one above, but our pale yellow ones have what almost looks like wilt! Are they prone to that?? News to me.

This is, I think, moss rose. All I know is, we just planted it this year - and it's been an unbelievable performer. It's bloomed steadily since May. It's beginning to spread and fill in the section we were hoping it would cover, and that makes dh happy.

Our double cone flowers are beautiful - I want to find this one in a few more colors. I'd put in rows and rows of these. Long blooming and sooooo pretty!

....and just for fun, in Sepia-tone, our "Petey" weather vane. The real Petey's tail isn't quite that short, and his ears go up, not down...but it was the closest they had. Just a little quirky addition to the garden.

Now for the quiz. It's ungraded, cause I don't know the answer!! What is this critter? He's all over our raspberries and elsewhere. Is that a good thing, or a bad??

Well, everyone, I'm enjoying the garden this summer. I hope you are enjoying yours as well. One final picture for you.....

The soft pink rose and rose bud remind of new life, young life...and I'm posting this picture in memory of two young lives who went to be with the Lord this week, due to cancer. Pray for their families, will you? A young lady named Jamie, just 17 - and a young man named Blake - just 18. My heart goes out to those left behind to remember them.


Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Did both those children die this week and are they from the same family??? write me

Susan said...

Your flowers are gorgeous and I have no idea what the bug is. I have a bug on my post too that I cant ID!

Laurie and Chris said...

Great pictures! I can't wait for my cone flowers!!

Jean said...

connie, Your blooms arre all lovely! I love the purple lily! Beautiful blooms and beautiful photos! Jean

Sue said...

I know what the bug is, scary!! I was touched by your dedication of your pink roses. Those kids were much too young to be gone so soon!

Susan said...

Connie my weird plant is growing in full sun! Looks like some sort of orchid...I tried looking up wild orchids native to Pennsylvania (where I live) and nothing...

Heather said...

Your blooms are heavenly. Kudos to you for picking up that bug. Here I am, a gardener, and bugs of that sort give me the willy nillys. It looks familiar, but I'm not sure what it is. I must...MUST get one of those double coneflowers!!!

kesslerdee said...

You have beautiful flowers- I love the lilies!