Thursday, September 17, 2009

Thankful Thursday

This week's Thankful Thursday topic is "We are His Masterpiece" taken from Ephesians 2:10

"We are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago."

Like others, I often don't feel much like a masterpiece. Right now, for example, the house needs cleaning, I'm feeling under the weather, my hair needs cut, and I'm overweight...still.
No, that doesn't sound much like a masterpiece.

However, I know that God created me for a purpose. I know that He has plans for my life. The obvious one is to live for Him and be obedient to His word...which gives me something to do, and to aim for, and to work at each and every day of my life. I believe there still plans to be worked out in my life, as well.

My husband and I have been asking the Lord to show us what He has for us. We feel a great passion for the needs of children orphaned in Swaziland, and mothers who've lost husbands and any source of income. Often, both happen because of AIDS, in fact, it usually happens because of AIDS. Our church has been greatly impacted by this need and we currently minister to orphans in Swaziland by providing homes, and educating them in farming techniques to grow crops both for sustenance and market. We've started a church there as well.

I don't know what, if anything, God will have John and I specifically involved in. Currently, we are trying to organize a big event for next Spring that might bring in thousands of dollars of support. We'll see where that leads. We are praying God leads us in whatever direction He wishes us to go.

But, these are plans for my life that haven't yet worked themselves out. God is showing us a little at a time, that He's not finished with us yet...there's still a part of our canvasses He hasn't painted. I'm thankful that He works in our lives to bring out His best work. I'm thankful He considers me a Masterpiece worthy of His time.

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1 comment:

Denise said...

May God bless your precious heart.